Search for emory university science
georgia health sciences university
*institue of molecular medicine and genetics seeks potential professors,must have phd/md, postdoctoral interesting in nervous system disorders etc(15 march 2011)
*medical college of georgia cancer center seeks a potential professor of cancer proteomics/metabolomics(19 june 2011)
georgia institue of technology
*school of biology
professor wanted
*school and environmental engineering seeks a potential professor concerning sustainable civil infrastructure(11 march 2011)
Search for georgia institue of technology
Georgia state university
looking for assisant research scientists in biological or chemical fields
Search for georgia state university science
Georgia southern university
*college of arts and sciences is looking for a dean(7 january 2011)
department of biology seeks assistant professors(2 october 2010)
Search for georgia southern university biology
Kennesaw state university
*department of biology and physics is looking for professors in cell biology,physics etc
Medical school of georgia,augusta
*department of pharmacology and toxicology
professor wanted
*department of physiology seeks potential professors of cardiovascular, endiology or renal physiology,a degree in (veterinary) medicine or phd in any biological sciences with postdoctoral experience required(25 february 2011)
*the brain and behaviour discovery institue
professors wanted
Search for medical school of georgia
mercer university school of medicine
Search for mercer university school of medicine georgia
Morehouse school of medicine
*department of microbiology,biochemistry and immunology
*division of science and mathematics
professor wanted
Search for morehouse school of medicine georgia
Nuclear Group,atlanta
Philadelphia college of osteopathic medicine,Gwinnett county
looking for deans,chairs and director
Search for philadelphia college osteopathic medicine
Skidaway institue of oceanography
faculty position avaible
Search for skidaway georgia
University of georgia
college of pharmacy
faculty positions avaible
*department of cellular biology seeks a professor of cell biology(7 november 2010)
Search for university of georgia
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