Thursday, 23 April 2009

scientific employers, queensland, australia

australian institue of marine science,townsville
scientists wanted,especially wanted to study coral
Search for marine science

Search for coral life
Griffith University
Ecology lecturer wanted
Search for Griffith University queensland
james cook university,townsville?
*arc centre of  excellance for coral reef studies
research  fellowships
*school of veterinary and biomedical sciences
physiology lecturer wanted(20 october 2010)

*vascular biology unit
clinical researcher wanted(22 october 2010)
Search for james cook university queensland
Queensland university of technology
*centre for tropical crops and biocommodities seeks a potential  fellow in plant bioechnology to study medical and industrial protein expreession in plants(3 janiary 2011)

University of Queensland
various faculty,research and post-doctoral positions avaible
*brain institue seeks a neuroimaging group leader(17 november 2010)
*global change institue has a science fellowship avaible(20 november 2010)
*school of biomedical sciences
2 professors wanted(31 december 2010)
*school of chemistry and molecular biosciences seeks excellent research scientists in such areas as metals in,structural and computational biology ,chemistry and  biochemistry. (4 february 2011)
Search for University of Queensland science

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