Friday, 3 April 2009

scientific employers,Catalonia, Spain

Alba cells seeks a  director who has worked in a research institue or similiar

Bravo and orozco,barcelona
scientists wanted

Catalan institue of nanotechnology(icn)
Centre for genome regulation,barcelona
group leaders wanted,should have previously been a group leader and have a brilliant idea for a future project(10 january 2011)

Crag(centre for research in agricultural genomics,barcelona)
4 postdoctoral positions avaible(28 october 2010)

IBEC(institue for bioengineering of catalonia)

ICREA has 20 research positions avaible(16 april 2011)

8 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH positions avaible

IFCO(Institue of photonic sciences),barcelona seeks potential group leaders(1 april 2011)

IRB/institue for research in biomedicine

Research institue of the hospital universitari Vall d'hebron
seeks a director
institue of oncology  seeks a pathologist(1 april 2011)

universitat autonoma de barcelona
*nanomaterials and microsystems group seeks postdoctorals to do research on thermoelectricity,appliciants should have phd in experiental physics,materials science or similiar as well as good written and speaken english.(5 february 2011)
Search for thermoelectricity
universitat rovira I VIRGILI,tarragona
*Department of chemical engineering seeks new faculty members(2 april 2011)

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