Friday, 10 April 2009

scientific employers, ontario province , canada

canadian blood services
postdoctoral fellowships
Search for canadian blood services
hospital for sick children,toronto
*sick kids research institue seeks a cardiac scientist(13 december 2010)

Lakehead university
Search for Lakehead university
McMaster university
Search for McMaster university
Ontario Institue for cancer research
director of transformative pathology

quorum technologies

university of guelph
ontario agricultural college
*department of plant agriculture
Search for university of guelph

University of ottawa
researchers wanted
*Faculty of medicine
Search for University of ottawa sciences
University of toronto,scarborough
department of psychology
several positions avaible
Search for University of toronto,scarborough
University of toronto,toronto
*department of cell and systems biology
professor wanted
*department of physiology seeks a potential professor of developmental physiology,should have experience  of epigenetics and proteomics etc(10 march 2011)
*donnelly centre for cellular and biomolecular research has some charles postdoctoral fellowships(26 november 2010)
*sunnybrook research institue seeks a director of biological sciences(16 december 2010)
*department of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery  seeks a scientist in auditory neuroscience, preference to those with a good background in stem cell/molecular biology.(11 march 2011)
Search for University of toronto,toronto sciences
University of Waterloo
*water institue has faculty positions avaible,applicants should have phd in relevant area.(20 february 2011)
Search for University of Waterloo sciences
University of western ontario
*schulich school of medicine and dentistry
**department of anatomy and cell biology seeks a chair,must have good oral/written english(10 september 2011)

University health network

*toronto western research institue seeks a chair in brain an spinal cord injury research(18 december 2010)

York university
professor wanted in visual neurosciences(8 october 2010)

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