Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Scientific employers,dyfed,wales/cymru, uk

Aberystwyth university
*institue of biological, environmental and rural sciences seeks postdoc research assistants in fermentation science, life cycle study and biorefining(14 august 2011)

Thursday, 23 April 2009

scientific employers, queensland, australia

australian institue of marine science,townsville
scientists wanted,especially wanted to study coral
Search for marine science

Search for coral life
Griffith University
Ecology lecturer wanted
Search for Griffith University queensland
james cook university,townsville?
*arc centre of  excellance for coral reef studies
research  fellowships
*school of veterinary and biomedical sciences
physiology lecturer wanted(20 october 2010)

*vascular biology unit
clinical researcher wanted(22 october 2010)
Search for james cook university queensland
Queensland university of technology
*centre for tropical crops and biocommodities seeks a potential  fellow in plant bioechnology to study medical and industrial protein expreession in plants(3 janiary 2011)

University of Queensland
various faculty,research and post-doctoral positions avaible
*brain institue seeks a neuroimaging group leader(17 november 2010)
*global change institue has a science fellowship avaible(20 november 2010)
*school of biomedical sciences
2 professors wanted(31 december 2010)
*school of chemistry and molecular biosciences seeks excellent research scientists in such areas as metals in,structural and computational biology ,chemistry and  biochemistry. (4 february 2011)
Search for University of Queensland science

Scientific employers,bremen,germany

Alfred wegener institue for polar and marine research,bremenhaven
Search for alfred wegener
Jacobs university,bremen

Max Planck Institue for Marine Microbiology

university of bremen
Search for university bremen

Scientific employers, Vermont,USA

Chroma Technology,rockingham

omega optical,brattleboro
Search for omega optical
University of vermont
may have avaible possibly 30 tenure-track positions for 2011-2012.

*center for clinical and translational science
professor wanted
*college of medicine
**department of pathology has a faculty position in environmental pathology avaible,appliciant must be an md/phd pathologist with fellowship training,must spend 75% of time in actual research.(6 january 2011)
*department of molecular physiology and biophysics
*department of plant biology
professor wanted(2 october 2010)
health science research facility.
professor wanted
Search for University of vermont

Scientific employers, new Jersey, usa

bellco glass,vineland

Cambrex, East Rutherford
Search for cambrex

Search for covance
Exxonmobil corporate strategic research seeks phycologist and bioengineer to study algae biofuels.(22 april 2011)

exxonmobil research laboratory,annandale
postdoctoral fellowships
Search for exxon mobil
Johnson and johnson,new brunswick
Search for johnson and johnson
Merck and co.,inc,Whitehouse station
Search for merck and co
novartis,east hanover
Search for novartis

princeton instruments,trenton
Search for princeton instruments
princeton university
*department of molecular biology is seeking an expert  in biochemistry to become a professor(19 october 2010)

*princeton neuroscience institue
Search for princeton university

rowan university
Search for rowan university
rutgers university
*center for computional and intregrative biology
assistant professors wanted
*department of genetics
associate,associate and full professors wanted
scientists  also wanted
*department of molecular biology and biochemistry
professor wanted(4 october 2010)
*department of nutritional  sciences  seeks a potential professor and chair with a phd or similiar,good publication record and is committed to teaching(4 march 2011)

*institue of marine and coastal sciences seeks postdoctoral associates to do oceanology studies(7 november 2010)
*school of pharmacy seks people wuth a phd in molecular biology or similiar field or a postdoctoral position(22 october  2010)
Search for rutgers university
schering-plough corporation,kenilworth
Search for schering plough
Seton hall university
*department of biological sciences may have some faculty positions avaible subject to budgetary approval(24 december 2010)

The cancer institue of new jersey
assistant professor wanted

The state university of new jersey
the institue of marine and coastal sciences at rutgers
seeks postdoctoral associates
Search for state university of new jersey
University of medicine and dentistry of new jersey
*graduate school of biomedical sciences seeks a dean(18 december 2010)
*robert wood johnson medical school
*department of pedriatics seeks a chair who has achieved a lot in pedriatics academywise(24 december 2010)
*the cancer institue of new jersey
Search for University of medicine and dentistry of new jersey
William paterson university
department of biology
Search for William paterson university
Search for Wyeth new jersey

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

scientific employers, saskatchewan,canada

university of saskatchewan
*college of medicine
*college of pharmacy and nutrition seeks a chair in rational drug design,appliciants must have had success in the field of drug designpossibly experienced in structural biology or computational  methods(13 february 2011)
*department of anatomy and cell biology seeks a potential professor,particularly those with postdoctoral experience and working in the field of bone cell biology(5 march 2011)

University of saskatoon
vaccine centre looking for research scientist

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

scientific employers, Trinidad and tobago

University of the west indies.
various posts avaible

Friday, 17 April 2009

scientific employers,fujian,china

College of life sciences, fujian Normal university
professors wanted

scientific employers, geneva canton,switzerland

Covance central laboratory services
project managers and clinical data managers
Search for Covance
Merck serono

university of geneva
professor in plant biology wanted
*department of molecular biology
group leader/professor wanted,must have  phd degree and obtain  an snsf professorship grant(to get one, you need either a swiss uni degree or 2 years at least in a swiss uni.)
*faculty of medicine seeks 3 professors to teach and research about metabolism,cardiovascular disease and biology etc(4 february 2011)
  Search for university of geneva
World health organisation(WHO)
Search for World health organisation

Scientific employers, zurich canton,switzerland


ibm european research branch,ruschlikon
IBM research
Search for IBM research
molecular machines and industries,glattbrugg

Roche glycart AG,schlieren seeks team leader in tumor immunology ,must have doctoral experience(28 november 2010)

Swiss Federal Institue of Technology
*department of agricultural and food sciences
professor of public heath nutrition wanted(5 nov 2010)
*department of computer sciences seeks professors to do computer science(12 november 2010)
*department of health sciences and technology seeks a professor of cartilage engineering and regeneration(17 december 2010)
*institue of geochemistry and petrology seeks a professor of magmatic petrology,applicant expected set up a field-oriented research programme in the subject such as volcanism,mass extinctions etc

Search for tecan
University of Zurich, Zurich
*department of biochemistry seeks a professor(21 october 2010)
Search for University of Zurich, Zurich
*faculty of science
**department of biochemistry seeks a potential professor of biochemistry/structural biology(29 august 2011)
**institue of physical chemistry seeks a professor of physical chemistry(17 december 2010)

*Institue of plant biology
postdoctoral position in plant genetics wanted

Friday, 10 April 2009

scientific employers, aberdeen and aberdeenshire, scotland

looking for a environmental quality scientist based in aberdeen

The Macaulay Institue

University of aberdeen
*school of biological sciences seeks chairs in marine bioiversity and fisheries sciences(17 december 2010)
*school of medical sciences seeks a postdoctoral research fellow with a phd in either biochemistry,  immunology, microbiology or similiar area to study the role of fungi in human disease(10 january 2011)
*school of medicine and dentistry
**division of applied medicine seeks a research fellow to research the immune system responce to fungal infections,should have phd in immunology or related area as well as experience in immunology.(10 january 2011)

Woodend hospital
7 clinical physics and bioengineering posts avaible

Wyeth protein therapeutics laboratory

scientific employers,thuringia,germany

Carl Zeiss
Search for Carl Zeiss
Friedrich-schiller-universitat jena
Junior Professors wanted
Search for Friedrich-schiller jena
ilmenau university of technology
Search for ilmenau universitat

scientific employers, ontario province , canada

canadian blood services
postdoctoral fellowships
Search for canadian blood services
hospital for sick children,toronto
*sick kids research institue seeks a cardiac scientist(13 december 2010)

Lakehead university
Search for Lakehead university
McMaster university
Search for McMaster university
Ontario Institue for cancer research
director of transformative pathology

quorum technologies

university of guelph
ontario agricultural college
*department of plant agriculture
Search for university of guelph

University of ottawa
researchers wanted
*Faculty of medicine
Search for University of ottawa sciences
University of toronto,scarborough
department of psychology
several positions avaible
Search for University of toronto,scarborough
University of toronto,toronto
*department of cell and systems biology
professor wanted
*department of physiology seeks a potential professor of developmental physiology,should have experience  of epigenetics and proteomics etc(10 march 2011)
*donnelly centre for cellular and biomolecular research has some charles postdoctoral fellowships(26 november 2010)
*sunnybrook research institue seeks a director of biological sciences(16 december 2010)
*department of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery  seeks a scientist in auditory neuroscience, preference to those with a good background in stem cell/molecular biology.(11 march 2011)
Search for University of toronto,toronto sciences
University of Waterloo
*water institue has faculty positions avaible,applicants should have phd in relevant area.(20 february 2011)
Search for University of Waterloo sciences
University of western ontario
*schulich school of medicine and dentistry
**department of anatomy and cell biology seeks a chair,must have good oral/written english(10 september 2011)

University health network

*toronto western research institue seeks a chair in brain an spinal cord injury research(18 december 2010)

York university
professor wanted in visual neurosciences(8 october 2010)

scientific employers,tuscany,italy

istituto toscano tumori,florence
cancer researchers wanted

Italian institue of technology
*center for nanotechnology innovation

department leaders and directors wanted

Scuola normale superiore,pisa

university of pisa

scientific employers, madrid,spain

Centro de biotechnologia y genomica de plantas(CBGP)

IE business school

Spanish national cancer research centre(centro national de investigaciones oncologicas(cnio)
group leaders wanted

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

scientific employers, Rhode Island,usa

Brown medical school

Brown university
*alpert medical school
**department of community health seeks a professor of behavioural and social sciences(26 november 2010)
centre of genomics and proteomics looking for a professor
*school of engineering has a faculty position in biomedical engineering(29 november 2010)
Search for Brown university rhode island
rhode island hospital
Search for rhode island hospital
university of rhode island
*center biotech life sciences
Search for university of rhode island science

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

scientific employers, louisiana,usa

Louisiana state university
*department of biology seeks 2 potential professor, firstly ideally a computational biologist who researches  important biochemical and cellular stuff,secondly a professor of neurophysiology with phd or similiar with 2 years postdoctoral experience and lots of successful research in the area of neurophysiology.
*health sciences centre,shreveport
**department of microbiology and immunology seeks potential professors with phd and/or md, postdoctoral experience,position may come with research incentive plan.(3 march 2011)

Tulane University,located in new orleans
*department of biochemistry and molecular biosciences has avaible postdoctoral positions in telomeric research,applicant must have phd in any biological science and experience in solving biological problems or the neccessary techniques(16 april 2011)
*department of earth and environmental sciences seeks professor to teach about geographic information systems(GIS)
(20 october 2010)
*health sciences center
**department of physiology
postdoctoral/research associate positions avaible to study regulation/function of  guanylyl peptide receptor gene(5 march 2011)

*school of medicine
**department of pathology and laboratory medicine
**department of pharmacology seeks a professor with expertise in vascular or mitochondrial biology(26 november 2010),
also postdoctoral fellow positions to study vascular control mechanisms(29 november 2010)
cancer research faculty positions

*Tulane national primate research center
4 professor positions avaible in infectious diseases(17 december

University of Louisiana
postdoctoral positions in prostate cancer biology

Xavier University of louisiana.
college of pharmacy looking for a professor.

Scientific employers, south carolina,usa

College of charleston
looking for a assisant professor in chemical biology

Hollings cancer center
various positions avaible

Medical University of south carolinia,charleston
seeking a programme leader as well as potential faculty who have worked in cancer  genetics or genomics,should have done peer-reviewed publishing.
Also seeking potential professors of cancer therapeutics (25 february 2011)

University of South Carolina
Postdoctoral fellowships in immunology avaible

College of pharmacy

*Department of pharmacy and biomedical sciences
professor wanted

*school of medicine
department of pathology,microbiology and immunology
professor wanted

Friday, 3 April 2009

scientific employers, bayern/bavaria, Germany

German centre for neuroegenerative diseases,munich
looking for researchers to join the centre

Coca-cola,Au is looking for people in fermention research
Search for Coca-cola
Friedrich-alexander-universitat erlangen-nurnberg
*faculty of medicine seeks a professor of clinical and molecular virology,appliciants should have plenty of experience as  research group leaders.(31 january 2011)
*faculty of natural sciences
**department of physics
***institue of optics,information and photonics seeks a professor of physics,must have an university undergraduate/doctoral degrees with a record of research in optics etc(19 june 2011)
***institue of physics of condensed matter
 seeks a professor of expermental physics,must be under 52 years old(6 march 2011)

integrated biodiagnostics,munich


max-planck-gesellschaft/max-planck digital library

max-planck institue of biochemistry, martinsried seeks a director of department(6 november 2011)
Search for max-planck

Technische universitat munchen
professors being looked for
Search for Technische universitat munchen
university of bayreuth
Search for university of bayreuth
University hospital of regensburg
Search for Universitat regensburg
university of wurzburg
*research centre for infectious diseases seeks a young investigator/group leader*(4 January 2011)