looking for group leaders etc
Search Amazon.com for Eli Lilly
Institue of medical biology
principal investigators wanted
microscopists wanted
postdoctoral scientists wanted
Institue of molecular and cell biology seeks a director, applicants should be an established scientist with an established research record(10 march 2011)
Nanyang technological university
seeks up to 10 professors ideally under 40 years old,online applications only(27 june 2011)
*college of science
dean wanted
*school of chemical and biomedical seeks potential professors of chemical,biomelecular engineering as well as bioengineering, applicants must have b.sc, b.eng or phd in relevant field(s)(14 august 2011)
Search Amazon.com for Nanyang technological university
National university of Singapore
Search Amazon.com for National university of Singapore
*Cancer science institue
principal investigators wanted who have experience of being in charge of leading research programme that gets their work published in worldwide publications as well as phd/postdoctoral to study the genetics of cancer(13 august 2011)
*department of anatomy seeks a professor with knowledge of human anatomy,histology or embryology.(28 november 2010)
*Department of biochemistry
professors wanted
*department of biological sciences seeks potential professors of environmental biology and biodiversity studies(4 january 2011)
*tamasek life sciences laboratory seeks a basic sciences director(15 november 2011)
Novartis institue for tropical diseases seeks a group leader to discover new drugs etc for dengue fever,malaria and TB, potential applicants should have a phd or similiar with 5 years or more working in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry in a drug discovery capability.(14 october 2011)
schering-plough corporation
group leaders and phd scientists etc wanted
Search Amazon.com for schering-plough
Singapore bioimaging consortium
post doctoral research fellows
Singapore university of technology and design has various faculty positiona avaible at professor levels in biology,biomedical sciences, chemistry and chemical engineering, applicants must have a doctorate(3 june 2011)
The Duke-national university of singapore graduate medical school
researchers in neuroscience wanted
Useful addresses etc
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