Search for pharmaceutical sciences
florida atlantic university
*charles college of medicine
professors wanted
Search for florida atlantic university science
florida institue of eceanography
Search for oceanography science
florida institue of technology,melbourne
*department of biological sciences seeks a potential professor with phd, postdoctoral experience and has expertise in cell or molecular biology.(3 january 2011)
Florida International University,miami
*college of medicine seeks a professor of immunology,must have appoint. with institue for neuro-immune pharmacology(28 november 2010)
*department of biological sciences seeks a rna biologist on a 9-month contract,must have phd or similiar in molecular biology or biochemistry as well as teaching experience etc wanted,also an urban ecologist who is interested in studying human influences on ecological things(6 february 2011)
*herbert wertheim college of medicine has aviable some faculty positions concerning basic medical science and clinical pharmacology.
*institue for aging life science and research,palm beach
220 jobs avaible
*marine science programme
**department of biological sciences seeks a quantitative fisheries biologist (3 march 2011)
Search for aging life sciences
Florida state university
*college of medicine
**department of biomedical sciences has faculty positions avaible to study biology,genetics etc(25 february 2011)
Max planck florida institue
research group leader positions
Search for max planck science
Mayo clinic,jacksonville
*department of cancer seeks a person with a phd etc to do basic cancer research
*department of neuroscience seeks potential professor of neuroscience with phd/md with a record of external funding and good publication record and experience in neuroscience.(28 march 2011)
metrohm usa
Search for metrohm
Miller school of medicine
*department of neurology
postdoctoral fellowship avaible
Search for Miller school of medicine
moffit cancer center
opko health, jupiter seeks a staff scientist who will discover useful antibodies that will diagnose various diseases, appliciant might have expertise/skills in biochemistry, immunology and diagnostic sciences.(5 february 2011)
OPKO Health, Inc. (OPK) - Product Pipeline Analysis
scripps research institue, jupiter
*department of neuroscience seeks investigators who use integrative approaches and methods to study molecular, genetic,biochemical etc processes of the nervous system
faculty positions(25 february 2011)
Search for scripps research
University of central florida
*department of biology is looking for two professors,applicants should have innovative approaches to questions about genetics and cell biology(19 october 2010)
Search for university central florida science
University of florida,gainesville
*college of pharmacy
**department of medicinal chemistry seeks a potential professor, expected to set up a good drug discovery/development research programme(5 march 2011)
*college of veterinary medicine
**department of infectious diseases and pathology seeps someone to fill a tenure-track position(6 november 2010)
*museum of natural history is looking for a chair in invertebrate palaeontology(20 october 2010)
University of miami
*miami institue of molecular imaging and computation
postdoctoral positions avaible
*miller school of medicine
**department of molecular and cellular pharmacology has a tenure track position avaible(6 november 2010)
Search for university of miami science
university of south florida.
Search for university of south florida science
*college of marine science
*college of medicine
*burnet school of biomedical sciences
postdoctoral researcher positions
*department of molecular pharmacology and physiology
seeks a chairperson(4 october 2010)
*department of molecular medicine seeks postdoctoral fellow
*florida institue of oceanography
director wanted
vaccine and gene therapy institue, port st lucie
Cancer immunobiology division seeks potential director(18 september 2011)
world precision instruments,sarasota
Search for world precision instruments
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