Search for Covance
Eli Lilly and company,indianapolis
research scientist wanted
Search for Eli Lilly
Indiana University
*department of chemistry
professor wanted
Search for spectroscopist
*school of medicine
**department of pedriatics
**department of pharmabology and toxicology seeks a potential professor wih a phd,3 years of postdoctoral experience,expected to set up a great research programme supported by appropiamate funding and engage in teaching students.(4 january 2011)
Search for hematopoietic
Search for Indiana University science
Indiana university southeast
*biology department
professor wanted(2 october 2010)
Manchester university
Marian university
*college of osteopathic medicine seeks an associate dean of biomedical science,must have phd with 5 years executive experience, excellance at teaching etc(24 december 2010)
Purdue university
*college of health and human sciences
**department of foods and nutrition has a faculty position avaible in cancer research, applicant's research should be on connection concerning nutrients, natural products etc and cancer causing agents using various models(molecular,cellular and animal etc),appliciant should have phd and a strong publication record.(15 march 2011)
*deparment of chemistry seeks a chair with a track record in drug discovery(26 november 2010)
Roche applied sciences,Indianapolis
University of notre dame,notre dame has faculty positions avaible in environmental engineering,applicants might be interested in water,waste water,water quality and treatment as well as environmental systems(24 december 2010)
wabash college
*biology department
professor wanted
Search for wabash college
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