Search for abcam
agios pharmaceuticals,cambridge
amherst college
*department of biology
professor of neuroscience
Search for amherst college
Biogen idec,cambridge
Search for Biogen idec
Boston college
Search for Boston college science
Boston university
school of medicine
Arthritis centre wants a professor of immunology in an area connected to autoimmune diseases.(29 november 2010)
*department of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics want a scientist to fill a faculty position(professor) in neuroscience.(19 october 2010)
*the diabetes center of excellance are looking for a person to fill a faculty position(19 october 2010)
Search for Boston university science
Brigham and women's hospital's(harvard medical school)
has postdoctoral positions avaible involving mouse studies,experience in molecular biology paramount (3 march 2011)
Search for Brigham and women's hospital's
broad institue
Brudner Neuropsychiatic research institue
looking for a professor
cell press,cambridge seeks scientific editors(26 november 2010)
clark university,worcester
*department of biology
assistant professor wanted(1 october 2010)
Search for clark university massachusetts
college of the holy cross,worcester
*department of biology
Potential professor wanted, applicant must be a marine biologist with a phd (2 september 2011)
Also looking for an animal development biologist(3 september 2011)
Search for college of the holy cross
Search for curis biotech
Dana-Farber institue,boston
post-doctoral position avaible
Search for dana-farber
David h. koch institue for integrative cancer research,cambridge
investigator positions avaible(15 october 2010)
Draper laboratory
Search for Draper laboratory
eyegate pharmaceuticals inc,waltham
CEO wanted(2 october 2010)
Fisher scientific
Search for Fisher scientific
Forma therapeutics;looking to hire 15 people worldwide
genzyme corporation,cambridge
Search for genzyme corporation
harvard apparatus,holliston
Search for harvard apparatus
Harvard medical school
*beth israel deaconess medical center
**department of obstretrics and gynecology seeks a potential professor who would like to do research in related fields of research.(20 december 2010)
*center for biomedical informatics seeks potential professor(s) of computational biology,applicant should have phd or similiar,ideally a good record in bioinformatics and computational biology(epigenomics,cancer,stemcells etc)(3 march 2011)
*department of experimental pathology seeks someone to be director of the center for vascular biology(28 november 2010)
*center for immunology seeks a scientist to develop a good imminology research programme(28 november 2010)
*immune disease institue has a postdoctoral fellow position(26 november 2010)
*new england primate research centre seeks a potential instructor with experience in microbial pathogens and/or immunological aspects of health and disease(3 march 2011)
same with stem cell biology(5 march 2011)
Search for Harvard medical school
Harvard reproductive endocrine sciences center,boston
postdoctoral research positions
Search for harvard sciences
harvard school of public health
*department of genetics and complex diseases seeks potential professors(19 november 2010)
*department of immunology and infectious diseases wants a professor.(6 november 2010)
Harvard stem cell institue
Search for harvard stem cell
harvard university
seeks a preceptor to to prepare discussion andcourse work etc in life sciences.(20 december 2010)
*department of stem cell and regenerative biology seeks a potential professor,expected to set up good research of skeletal biology and regenerative medicinemust have phd/md degree and have a good research record.(5 february 2011)
*herbaria seeks professor/director,preferably must have interest in plants.
**school of engineering and applied sciences seeks potential professor of computational,mechanical and materials engineering,must have good experience in computation and have a high commitment to applications in the above engineering fields(21 february 2011)
faculty position in earth.climate/environmental science(8 october 2010)
Helicos biosciences
Joslin diabetes center,boston
professor wanted(4 october 2010)
Marine biological laboratory,woods hole
*eugene bell center for regenerative biology and tissue engineering has positions in regenerative biology avaible(17 december 2010)
Search for Marine biological laboratory,woods hole
Massachusetts general hospital,boston
professor wanted(15 october 2010)
massachusetts institue of technology
neuroscientists wanted
*department of biology
professor wanted(8 october 2010)
*department of chemical engineering
*department of mechanical engineering has faculty positions avaible in bioengineering,esign an ocean science/engineering(26 november 2010)
*mcgovern institue for brain research seeks potential professor to study systems neuroscience concerning action,cognition and perception.(13 august 2011)
mcgovern institue
micro video instruments,avon
Search for micro video instruments
Millenium; pharmaceuticals;the Takeda oncology company
Various positions avaible
Search for millipore
Nature magazine
sometimes editors wanted
New england biolabs,ipswich
New England college of optometry
Search for New England college of optometry
Northeastern University;
professors being looked for
*department of biology seeks applications for a tenure-track positions in fisheries biology and developmental biology or neurobiology(6 november 2010)
*department of physics seeks someone with a phd in physics or related area to fill a tenure track position in experimental biological physics(20 october 2010)
Search for Northeastern University
Search for novartis
percivia,boston seeks directors of development,appliciants expected to have done preclinical/clinical development in industry experience(20 january 2011)
Search for Perkinelmer
Plectix biosystems,somerville
Raindance technologies
smith college
*department of biological sciences
professor wanted
Search for smith college massachusetts
Springfield college,springfield seeks potential professor of biology,applicants should have phd in biology(emphasis in physiology)(25 february 2011)
thermo fisher scientific,waltham
tufts medical center,boston
Search for tufts medical center
tufts university
*cummings school of veterinary medicine
professors wanted
*department of biology seeks a professor in animal physiology
(19 october 2010)
*school of medicine
**department of neuroscience has various professor positions avaible(11 november 2010)
Search for tufts university
university of massachusetts
*department of biological sciences has several tenure-track positions(6 november 2010)
*medical school has faculty positions for cardiovascular research(24 october 2010)
**diabetes center of excellence has a faculty position(19 november 2010)
Vertex pharmaceuticals;looking to recruit less han 100 more people
Search for vertex pharmaceuticals
Williams college
Search for Williams college massachusetts
worcester polytechnic institue
*department of biology and bioechnology seeks professors in neural science and bioinformatics.(25 november 2010)
*department of biomedical engineering seeks a professor.(25 november 2010)
*department of chemistry and biochemistry seeks a professor who can teach inorganic chemistry as well as a Head of department(25 november 2010)
microbiologist wanted who understands microbial fermentation(28 november 2010)
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