Tuesday, 31 March 2009

scientific employers,virginia, usa

A new genetic research institue is planned for fairfax county,expected to ultimetly create at least 1,000 new jobs.

Eastern virginia medical school
*cancer biology and infectious disease research center
*glennan centre for geriatrics and palliative care
scientific director wanted
Search Amazon.com for eastern virginia medical school
institue for defense analyses
looking for biology.astronomy,chemistry,physics etc scientists

national science foundation,arlington
director wanted
Search Amazon.com for national science foundation

Old dominion university
*college of sciences
**department of biological sciences seeks potential  professors,particulary if you previously have been researching host-pathogen interactions and molecular pathogenesis or are immunologists using up-to-date approaches in molecular biology.(24 december 2010)
Search Amazon.com for old dominion university virginia
The college of william and mary
Search Amazon.com for college of william and mary virginia
university of virginia,charlottesville
*department of biology
professor of evolutionary biology wanted(30 october 2010)
*department of pharmacology
faculty positions avaible(8 october 2010)
*school of medicine
**department of orthopaedic surgery seeks a director,expected to set up a research programme that will attract government funding.(4 january 2011)

Virginia commonwealth university
*center for environmental studies seeks an aquatic scientist to be a professor(5 december 2010)
*college of humanities and sciences
dean wanted(8 october 2010)
*department of biology seeks a scientist with phd in biology to fill  faculty positions(plant biology)(ecology)(molecular/cellular biologist)(19 november 2010)
*school of medicine
**department of biochemistry and molecular biology has faculty positions avaible(17 december 2010)
Search Amazon.com for virginia commonwealth university
Virginia Tech Carilion research institue
seeks  potential professors of aging research, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular science and infections of the nervous system ,applicants should have phd/md and postdoctoral experience.(19 june 2011)
department of biochemistry
professor wanted(2 october 2010)

scientific employers ,florida,usa

Florida A and M university college of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
Search Amazon.com for pharmaceutical sciences
florida atlantic university
*charles e.schmidt college of medicine
professors wanted
Search Amazon.com for florida atlantic university science
florida institue of eceanography
Search Amazon.com for oceanography science
florida institue of technology,melbourne
*department of biological sciences seeks a potential professor with phd, postdoctoral  experience and has expertise in cell or molecular biology.(3 january 2011)

Florida International University,miami
*college of medicine seeks a professor of immunology,must have appoint. with institue for neuro-immune pharmacology(28 november 2010)
*department of biological sciences seeks a rna biologist on a 9-month contract,must have phd  or similiar in molecular biology or biochemistry as well as teaching experience etc wanted,also an urban ecologist who is interested in studying human influences on ecological things(6 february 2011)
*herbert wertheim  college of medicine has aviable some faculty positions concerning basic medical science and clinical pharmacology.
*institue for aging life science and research,palm beach
220 jobs avaible
*marine science programme
**department of biological sciences seeks a quantitative fisheries biologist (3 march 2011)
Search Amazon.com for aging life sciences
Florida state university
*college of medicine
**department of biomedical sciences has faculty positions avaible to study biology,genetics etc(25 february 2011)

Max planck florida institue
research group leader positions
Search Amazon.com for max planck science
Mayo clinic,jacksonville
*department of cancer seeks a person with a phd etc to do basic cancer research
*department of neuroscience seeks potential professor of neuroscience with phd/md with a record of external funding and good publication  record and experience in neuroscience.(28 march 2011)

metrohm usa
Search Amazon.com for metrohm
Miller school of medicine
*department of neurology
postdoctoral fellowship avaible
Search Amazon.com for Miller school of medicine
moffit cancer center

opko health, jupiter seeks a staff scientist who will discover useful antibodies that will diagnose various diseases, appliciant  might have expertise/skills in biochemistry, immunology and diagnostic sciences.(5 february 2011)
OPKO Health, Inc. (OPK) - Product Pipeline Analysis
scripps research institue, jupiter
*department of neuroscience seeks investigators who use integrative approaches and methods to study molecular, genetic,biochemical etc processes of the nervous system
faculty positions(25 february 2011)
Search Amazon.com for scripps research
University of central florida
*department of biology is looking for two professors,applicants  should have innovative approaches to questions about genetics and cell biology(19 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for university central florida science
University of florida,gainesville
*college of pharmacy
**department of medicinal chemistry seeks a potential professor, expected to set up a  good drug discovery/development research programme(5 march 2011)
*college of veterinary medicine
**department of infectious diseases and pathology seeps someone to fill a tenure-track position(6 november 2010)
*museum of natural history is looking for a chair in invertebrate palaeontology(20 october 2010)

University of miami
*miami institue of molecular imaging and computation
postdoctoral positions avaible
*miller school of medicine
**department of molecular and cellular pharmacology has a tenure track position avaible(6 november 2010)
Search Amazon.com for university of miami science
university of south florida.
Search Amazon.com for university of south florida science
*college of marine science

*college of medicine
  *burnet school of biomedical sciences
    postdoctoral researcher positions
   *department of molecular pharmacology and physiology
seeks a chairperson(4 october 2010)
*department of molecular medicine seeks postdoctoral fellow

*florida institue of oceanography
director wanted

vaccine and gene therapy institue, port st lucie
Cancer immunobiology division seeks potential director(18 september 2011)

world precision instruments,sarasota
Search Amazon.com for world precision instruments

scientiic employers, Guanajuato, Mexico

National laboratory of genomics biodiversity, Irapuato

Saturday, 28 March 2009

scientific employers, hampshire,Portsmouth and Southampton, england

Batelle uk ltd

Cognis, hythe seeks a development chemist with at least a honours degree in chemistry with excellant  communication and laboratory skills,(5 september 2011)
corrosion and mateials scientists
Search Amazon.com for HMNB
Institue of naval medicine

jacobs engineering
ecologists etc wanted
Search Amazon.com for jacobs engineering
National oceanography centre,southampton
Search Amazon.com for National oceanography centre
pall corporation,portsmouth
assay/cell culture development scientist wanted(4 april 2011) 
Search Amazon.com for pall corporation
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS trust
Clinical and healthcare scientists
Search Amazon.com for portsmouth hospitals
shire pharmaceuticals,basingstoke
Search Amazon.com for shire pharmaceuticals
solent scientific,segensworth

southampton university hospitals nhs trust
microscopist wanted(7 november 2010)
university of portsmouth
Search Amazon.com for university of portsmouth
University of southampton
*faculty of natural and environmental sciences
**school of chemistry seeks a chair to set up a research programme in computational modelling in molecular systems.
Also a lecturer or reader in functional materials chemistry, appliciants must have done research in structural chemistry.(29 january 2011)
*school of physics and astronomy
Search Amazon.com for University of southampton

Friday, 27 March 2009

scientific employers, Lower Saxony, Germany

Hannover Medical school
postdoctoral scientists and phd sudents wanted

Leibniz universitat hannover
*institue  of organic chemistry seeks a professor of chemical biology,expected that successful appliciant to develope natural product research etc.(31 january 2011)
Mo bi tec

University of gottingen
*faculty of biology seeks a potential professor of anthropology(6 may 2011)

university of osnabruck
*department of biology/chemistry

Scientific employers, Hokkaido, Japan

All-hokkaido translational research project for advanced medicine

Amino up chemical,sapporo

asahikawa medical university

(there could be production jobs if their anti-cancer vaccine or any other product being developed by them is successfull)

Future university, hakodate

hokkaido mitsui chemicals

hokkaido research organisation.sapporo
*abashiri fisheries research institue
*kamikawe agricultural experiment station
*salmon and freshwater fisheries research institue,eniwa

Hokkaido system science,sapporo

Hokkaido university, Sapporo
looking for 25 female faculty members
*faculty of environmental earth science
*Female faculty in science,technology and agriculture.
*graduate school of chemical sciences and engineering
*graduate school of medicine
*graduate school of science
*research centre for zoonosis control
*research faculty of agriculture
*research institue for electronic science
*support office for space science and engineering
okkaido University Introduction: Hokkaido University, Otaru University of Commerce, Sapporo Agricultural College
Northern advancement centre for science and technology, sapporo

obihiro university of agriculture and veterinary medicine

Scientific employers, trentino-alto adige, Italy

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

University of trento
*centre for computational and systems biology  seeks a pharmacology scientist,applicant must have a phd in pharmacology,molecular biology or similiar and be able to manage a scientific team(6 march 2011)

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Scientific employers, Singapore

Eli Lilly
looking for group leaders etc
Search Amazon.com for Eli Lilly
Institue of medical biology
principal investigators wanted
microscopists wanted
postdoctoral scientists wanted

Institue of molecular and cell biology seeks a director, applicants should be an established scientist with an established research  record(10 march 2011)

Nanyang technological university
seeks up to 10 professors ideally under 40 years old,online applications only(27 june 2011)
*college of science
  dean wanted
*school of chemical and biomedical seeks potential professors of chemical,biomelecular engineering as well as bioengineering, applicants must have b.sc, b.eng or phd in relevant field(s)(14 august 2011)
Search Amazon.com for Nanyang technological university
National university of Singapore
Search Amazon.com for National university of Singapore
*Cancer science institue
principal investigators wanted who have experience of being in charge of leading research programme that gets their work published in worldwide publications as well as phd/postdoctoral to study the genetics of cancer(13  august  2011)
*department of anatomy seeks a professor with knowledge of human anatomy,histology or embryology.(28 november 2010)
*Department of biochemistry
professors wanted
*department of biological sciences seeks potential professors of environmental biology and biodiversity studies(4 january 2011)
*tamasek life sciences laboratory seeks a  basic sciences director(15 november 2011)

Novartis institue for tropical diseases seeks a group leader  to discover new drugs etc for dengue fever,malaria and TB, potential applicants should have a phd or similiar with 5 years or more working in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry in a drug discovery capability.(14 october 2011)

schering-plough corporation
group leaders and phd scientists etc wanted
Search Amazon.com for schering-plough
Singapore bioimaging consortium
post doctoral research fellows

Singapore university of technology and design has various faculty positiona avaible  at professor levels in biology,biomedical sciences, chemistry and chemical  engineering, applicants must have a doctorate(3 june 2011)

The Duke-national university of singapore graduate medical school
researchers in neuroscience wanted

Useful addresses etc

Scientific employers, Colorado,usa

Colorado state university
postdoctoral positions avaible
*department of biology
algal biologist wanted for post of professor(8 october 2010)
professor in plant community ecology wanted
*department of microbiology,immunology and pathology
professors wanted(3 december 2010)
Search Amazon.com for Colorado state university science
keystone symposia
Search Amazon.com for keystone symposia
southwest research institue,boulder

university of colorado,boulder
*department of chemistry and biochemistry
professor wanted
*integrative biology seeks a chair with admin experience,has a phd in biology or similiar(25 february 2011)

University of Colorado, Denver.
*school of medicine
**department of biochemistry and molecular genetics
professor wanted(2 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for University of Colorado Denver
university of denver
*department of biological sciences
evolutionary biologist wanted
Search Amazon.com for university of denver
Search Amazon.com for evolutionary biology
University of northern colorado
professors of biology wanted
Search Amazon.com for University of northern colorado 

scientific employers, Taipei, Taiwan

Institue of molecular biology
faculty positions avaible

Institue of Plant and Microbial Biology, nankang

looking for a fellow

National Taiwan University
Search Amazon.com for National Taiwan University

Scientific employers, Indiana, usa

Search Amazon.com for Covance
Eli Lilly and company,indianapolis
research scientist wanted
Search Amazon.com for Eli Lilly
Indiana University
*department of chemistry
professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for spectroscopist
*school of medicine
**department of pedriatics
**department of pharmabology and toxicology seeks a potential professor wih a phd,3 years of postdoctoral experience,expected to set up a great  research programme supported by appropiamate funding and engage in teaching students.(4 january 2011)
Search Amazon.com for hematopoietic
Search Amazon.com for Indiana University science
Indiana university southeast
*biology department
professor wanted(2 october 2010)

Manchester university

Marian university
*college of osteopathic medicine seeks an associate dean of biomedical science,must have phd with 5 years executive experience, excellance at teaching etc(24 december 2010)

Purdue university
*college of health and human sciences
**department of foods and nutrition has a faculty position avaible in cancer research, applicant's research should be on connection concerning  nutrients, natural products etc and cancer causing agents using various models(molecular,cellular and animal etc),appliciant should have phd and a strong publication record.(15 march 2011)
*deparment of chemistry seeks a chair with a track record in drug discovery(26 november 2010)

Roche applied sciences,Indianapolis

University of notre dame,notre dame has faculty positions avaible in environmental engineering,applicants might be interested in water,waste water,water quality and treatment as well as environmental systems(24 december 2010)
wabash college
*biology department
professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for wabash college

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Scientific employers, Dundee, Scotland

Mylnefield research services
field genetists wanted

university of abertay
*school of contemporary sciences
lecturer/reader wanted

University of Dundee
*college of life sciences
**division of cell signalling and immunology seeks group leaders(8 may 2011)
*institue of science and technology seeks a engineering scientist(22 november 2010)
*mrc protein phosphorylation unit seeks a director, who will be a scientist with a worldwide reputation(6 march 2011)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Scientific employers, new York state,usa

cala scientific instruments,farmingdale
Search Amazon.com for farmingdale new york
Albany medical college
Postdoctoral/reearch associate positions avaible
Search Amazon.com for Albany medical college
albert einstein college of medicine
Search Amazon.com for albert einstein college of medicine
applied biophysics,troy
Search Amazon.com for applied biophysics
brinkmann instruments

brookhaven national laboratory
*department of biology seeks a chair

city college of new york
*brooklyn college
biologist wanted
*sophie davis school of biomedical education
  *department of cell biology and anatomy
Search Amazon.com for city college of new york

city university of new york
*hunter college
professors in bioinformatics wanted
Search Amazon.com for city university of new york
Cold spring harbour laboratory
*simon center for quantitative biology, long island seeks  a programme chair(10 september 2011)

Colgate university
microbiologist wanted for an assistant professor job wanted(8 october 2010)

columbia university
dept of electrical engineering
faculties posiions avaible
*medical centre

Lamont-doherty earth observatory
postdoctoral fellowships
Search Amazon.com for Lamont-doherty
Department of neuroscience
looking for new faculty

Cornell university,ithaca
*center for a sustainable future
professor wanted(8 october 2010)
*college of veterinary medicine
**department of population medicine/diagnostic sciences seeks chair expected to lead in all aspects of academic life in the department  and led reearch to improve animal and human health(4 january 2011),appliciant must have phd in veterinary related area.
*department of microbiology and immunology seeks a professor(17 november 2010)
*laboratory for accelerator-based sciences and education seeks a director,expected to promote laboratory at both state and federal levels,must have phd in physics(6 march 2011)

*weill institue for cell and molecular biology

Dowling college,oakdale
*department of earth and marine sciences seeks a physical scientist(16 april 2011)

ecohealth alliance seeks gis analyst/technician/researcher etc(3 june 2011)

Feinstein Institue for medical research
Search Amazon.com for Cornell university
Fordham university
*department of biological sciences
assisant professor wanted(8 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for Fordham university
Langone medical center

Manhattan College
*school of science seeks a dean(19 november 2010)
Search Amazon.com for Manhattan College
Mount sinai school of medicine
*department of genetics and genomic sciences seeks a chair with a good record of achievement in genetics and/or genomics research(21 january 2011)
Search Amazon.com for Mount sinai school of medicine
new york medical college
*department of microbiology and immunology
tenure track positions avaible

new york university
*center for neural sciences seeks someone with experience in systems neuroscience.
*college of dentistry
**department of basic science and craniofacial biology(3 december 2010)
*physics department has a faculty position in condensed matter physics.(12 november 2010)

NYU langone medical center
post-doctoral fellows wanted
looking to recruite stem cell scientist
Search Amazon.com for new york medical college
Nikon instruments,melville
Search Amazon.com for Nikon instruments
NYU school of medicine
Search Amazon.com for NYU school of medicine
Plum island animal disease center,orient point
Search Amazon.com for Plum island animal disease center
Rensselaer polytechnic institue

Rockefeller university has faculty positions avaible in chemical/structural biology,human genetics,evolution etc(15 march 2011)
Search Amazon.com for Rockefeller university

Sloan-kettering institue
faculty positions in stem cells

st john's university,queens borough
*department  of pharmaceutical sciences seeks a potential professor of toxicology/pharmacology,must have phd in right biomedical science and postdoctoral experience(5 march 2011)
State University of New York
*at albany
**the rna institue
postdoctoral research positions

*at cortland
**biological sciences department seeks a potential professor of microbiology expected  to teach microbiology and biology(23 december 2010)
Search Amazon.com for State University of New York at albany
*at oswego
*department of biological sciences
Search Amazon.com for State University of New York oswego
stemline therapeutics

stony brook university
*department of applied mathematics and statistics seeks a modelling and stimulation in biology professor(3 december 2010)
*department of pharmacological sciences seeks a potential postdoctoral associate, potential applicants should have a phd or similiar and will be required to study the akap gene family,also seeks someone to study dna damage concerning diabetes (23 september 2011)

syracuse university
department of biology
professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for syracuse university

trudeau institue
faculty positions avaible

university of buffalo
*school of medicine and biomedical sciences
**department of pharmacology and toxicology
professors wanted(15 october 2010)

university of rochester
*medical center
**department of environmental medicine seeks a proessor of environmental health sciences(28 november 2010)
*school of medicine and dentistry
**division of endrocrinology and metabolism
research faculty positions (1 october 2010)
University of rochester medical center
Faculty positions,microbiology
*center for neural development and disease has a faculty position avaible for a  neuroscience professor(17 november 2010)
Search Amazon.com for University of rochester medical center
Vassar college
*department of biology is looking for a vertebrate physiologist to fill a professor position(19 october 2010)

weill cornell medical college
*department of pathology and laboratory medicine seeks a professor in their centre for vascular medicine(23 december 2010)

Wildlife trust
11 new positions avaible.

winthrop-university hospital
*research institue
**diabetes and obesity research centre
research scientists wanted
Search Amazon.com for winthrop-university
Yeshiva university
*albert einstein college of medicine
**department of pathology seeks someone with achievements in the field of  immunology and researchs autoimmune diseases with phd/md(20 february 2011)