Tuesday, 10 February 2009

scientific employers, Devon, england

ernst and jackson and co ltd,crediton

marine biological association

Met office,exeter

Plymouth marine laboratory looking for remote sensing scientist, potential applicants should have phd or similiar in either remote sensing or physical oceanography with computer programming skills.
Also seeks a  numerical modeller to model marine ecosystems, potential applicants should have either a background in numerical modelling or marine science as well as computer skills and hydrodynamic modelling.
(5 september 2011)

University of Exeter
*college of engineering,mathematics and physical sciences seeks a chair in climate change science(27 june 2011)
*environmental and sustainability institue seeks potential professors of clean technologies, natural environment, social sciences and applied mathematics/statistics(27 february 2011)

university of plymouth
*faculty of health
**school of health professions is looking for a potential student in oncology pharmacy/biomedical science(10 december 2010)

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