accelrys,san diego
Search Amazon.com for accelrys
Active motif,carlsbad
Search Amazon.com for Active motif
Search Amazon.com for affymetrix
stem cell and associate researchers positions avaible
Search Amazon.com for Agensys
Agilent technologies
Search Amazon.com for Agilent technologies
ambry genetics
Amgen,thousand oaks
Search Amazon.com for amgen
Amylin, san diego seeks an investigator in biology,applicant must have phd in molecular biology or similiar(29 august 2011)
Applied biosystems
Search Amazon.com for Applied biosystems
automate scientific
Azusa pacific university
biology professor wanted
must be a christian
Search Amazon.com for Azusa pacific university
bd biosciences,san jose
Search Amazon.com for bd biosciences
Beckman coulter
Search Amazon.com for Beckman coulter
biodiscovery,el segundo
bio-quant,san diego
5 scientist wanted
Search Amazon.com for bio-quant
has vacanies in such areas as pcr/qpcr amplification,protein/peptide analysis(20 january 2010)
Search Amazon.com for bio-rad
biosciences tools,saN DIEGO
Search Amazon.com for biosciences tools
biosearch technologies
Search Amazon.com for biovision
california institue of technology
bioengineer wanted(24 october 2010)
*division of biology
professors wanted(8 october 2010)
*division of chemistry and chemical engineering
professors wanted
*division of engineering and applied science
professor wanted(15 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for california institue of technology
California state polytechnic university,pomona
*biological sciences department seeks a potential professor of conservation biology(19 december 2010)
*college of sciences seeks a dean who will promote excellance in teaching,research and all other activities as well as securing vital funding(17 july 2011)
California state university,fresno
*department of biology requires a professor with degree in neurobiolgy or similiar field(22 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for california institue of technology
California state university,los angeles
*department of biological sciences wants a professor of animal physiology(26 november 2010)
California state university,northridge
*department seeks potential professors with phd/postdoctoral expertise,one in microbiology(possibly to teach microbiology/biotechnology) and another in cell biology(appliciant might have specialized in cell signaling,growth or differentation etc)(3 january 2011)
*department of chemistry and biochemistry seeks a professor of biochemistry, expected to set up a research programme involving students, phd required and preferably postdoctoral experience.
california state university,san bernardino
*department of biology seeks a professor of plant physiology as well as animal physiology(19 december 2010)
cedar-sinai medical center;
faculty postitions avaible in stem cells and epigentics
Search Amazon.com for cedar-sinai medical center
City of hope,duarte
professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for Clontech
Complete genomics
Search Amazon.com for Complete genomics
cynllect,san diego
Search Amazon.com for dako
DNANEXUS,palo alto
DOE Joint Genomic Institue,Walnut Creek
Dominican university
*department of natural science and mathematics seeks a potential professor of chemistry,applicants expected to have had a very good research programme.(17 july 2011)
emd chemicals
Search Amazon.com for emd chemicals
energy biosciences institue,berkeley
ephiphany biosciences,san francisco
Search Amazon.com for Epitomics
fate therapeutics,san diego
fluidigm,south san franisco
genentech,san franisco area
Search Amazon.com for genentech
Genomics Institue of the Novaris Research Foundation
Multiple biology and chemistry positions avaible
genway biotech,san diego
Gilead sciences,foster city is looking for a director of biology antiviral therapeutics.(20 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for Gilead sciences
gwr instruments,inc,san diego
r/d engineer wanted
Illumina,san diego
Search Amazon.com for Illumina
Search Amazon.com for Invitrogen
J.craig venter Institue
seeking scientists doing genomics etc
Search Amazon.com for craig venter
ipierian,san franisco
J. David Gladstone Institues
Jivan biologics
Johnson and johnson pharmaceutical research and development, la jolla seeks sciencists to study neuro-related areas to develop neuropsychiatric therapeutics(13 august 2011)
John Wayne cancer Institue
Search Amazon.com for John Wayne
Laragen,los angeles
Life technologies,carlsbad
lightools research,enconitas
live cell instruments,martinez
loyola marymount university
*department of biology
assisant professors wanted
Search Amazon.com for loyola marymount university
masten space system,mojave
Maxim Biotech
Search Amazon.com for Maxim Biotech
MDS analytical technologies
miraibio,south san francisco
molecular devices,sunnyvale
Search Amazon.com for molecular devices
Monterry bay aquarium research institue
postdoctoral fellowships avaible(8 october 2010)
moss landing marine laboratory
assistant professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for moss landing marine laboratory
MP biomedicals
Search Amazon.com for MP biomedicals
nexmed,san diego
Search Amazon.com for nexmed
Search Amazon.com for novartis
occidental college,los angelos
*department of biology
professor wanted
Search Amazon.com for occidental college
Search Amazon.com for optronics
Oxford biotherapeutics,located near san jose seeks cell biologists(who have worked with cancer cells) and antibody specialists(with at least 3 years experience)(13 february 2011)
Pacific biosciences,menlo park
Search Amazon.com for Pacific biosciences
premier software
Promab technologies, INC,richmond
regulus therapeutics,la jolla
directors and scientists wanted
Search Amazon.com for regulus therapeutics
Saint mary's college of caliornia
*school of science
salk institue for biological studies,la jolla
*nomis center for immunobiology and microbial pathogenesis
professor wanted to work in immunology etc(24 october 2010)
*Waitt advanced biophotonics center seeks a potential leader in biological imaging who have experience in studying neural circuits, synaptic physiology and dynamics who can set up a research programme.(31 january 2011)
san diego state university
*department of biology seeks a professor of genetics/genomics(19 december 2010)
san francisco state university
*department of biology seeks a professor of biology.(20 october 2010)
San francisco veterans affairs medical center
scientist wanted.
san jose state university
department of biological sciences
faculty position in genetics
Search Amazon.com for san jose state university
Scripps Research Institue, La Jolla
Search Amazon.com for scripps research
Sequenom,san diego
Search Amazon.com for sequenom
Sequetech,mountain view
soka university of america
Search Amazon.com for soka university of america
menlo park
stanford school of medicine
*department of genetics
professors wanted(25 november 2010),apply before december 5 2010.
*department of medicine
**division of infectious diseases seeks 3 professors.
(3 december 2010)
*institue for neuro-innovation and translational neurosciences has 3 neuroscience positions(11 november 2010)
*precount institue for energy
Search Amazon.com for stanford school of medicine
Stanford university
Search Amazon.com for Stanford university
Search Amazon.com for stratagene
Sunpower,san jose
Search Amazon.com for Sunpower
Switchgear gemomics
Telechem international
university of california,berkeley
*berkeley lab has between 100-200 jobs avaible, including admin, bioinformatists, biologists, chemists, directors, engineers, physicists, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, software developers and student assistants(5 september 2011)
*department of molecilar and cell biology
stem cell biology,human genome variation,neuroscience and biomedical sciences researchers wanted
Search Amazon.com for university of california,berkeley
University of california,davis
*school of medicine
**department of food science and technology is seeking a potential professor who could set up a fully funded research programme in a present area of interest of food chemistry or biochemistry.(7 january 2011)
**department of phamacology seeks two professors(28 november 2010)
*department of plant sciences seeks potential professor of plant sciences,must have phd or similiar in plant science related field(17 july 2011)
university of california,irvine
*department of chemistry is seeking a professor in organic/nonorganic materials chemistry(6 november 2010),also has a position in synthetic chemisry(26 november 2010)
*department of population health and disease prevention seeks a potential professor with phd/md or similiar degree,expected to establish a research programme that will gain an international reputation in cancer research(4 february 2011)
*environment institue looking for 3 professors(24 october 2010)
*henry samueli school of engineering has 2 tenure track positions avaible(19 november 2010),also seeks a dean(26 november 2010)
*institue of regenative medicine seeks potential professors(26 november 2010)
*school of medicine
**department of anesthesiology and perioperative seeks potential professor of pain research,phd/md qualifications and have done laboratory research on pain.(5 january 2011)
**department of pathology and laboratory medicine seeks a chair,must have degree in pathology(clinical or anatomic)(17 december 2010)
Search Amazon.com for university of california,irvine
University of california,merced
seeks a potential professor of physiology who will set up a research programme hat will bring international attention to uc merced(7 january 2011)
*school of natural sciences seeks potential professors of systems ,cell and molecular biology(17 december 2010)
University of caliornia,riverside
*department of biochemistry is looking for a professor in biophysics and structural biology.(19 november 2010)
*department of bioengineering has various positions avaible concerning translational technologies.(17 december 2010)
*department of psychology seeks a professor of cognitive psychology(26 november 2010)
university of california, san diego
*department of bioengineering engineering
staff including professors wanted(15 october 2010)
*department of biology seeks a professor of physiology(19 november 2010)
*department of chemistry and biochemistry seeks to fill a tenure-track position in pharmacological chemistry.
*health sciences
**moores ucsd cancer center seeks a potential professor and director,applicants must have a phd or md(6 may 2011)
*scripps institue of oceanography
various faculty positions avaible(10 september 2011)
University of california,san francisco
*cardiovascular research institue
department of cell and tissue biology,school of dentistry seeks a professor of cell biology(19 december 2010)
*department of pharmaceutical chemistry has avaible some postdoctoral positions to study trypanosoma brucia(26 november 2010)
*division of pulmonary,critical care,allergy and sleep seeks physician-scientists for professor positions(24 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for University of california,san francisco
University of california,santa barbara
*califoria nanosystems institue(cnsi)
postdoctoral fellowship avaible
*sage center for the study of mind seeks post-doctorals to join its junior fellowship programme
University of southern california
centre for craniofacial molecular biology has a postdoctoral poition avaible(3 january 2011)
*keck school of medicine
*school of dentistry
university of san diego
*department of biology
Search Amazon.com for university of san diego
*plant gene expression center seeks plant biologists and geneticist(26 november 2010)
West wireless health institue(wwhi), san diego seeks engineering managers as well as analysts and algorithm researchers(8 april 2011)
Western regional research center(WRRC), Agricultural research service.
Director wanted
Search Amazon.com for Western regional research center
western university of health sciences
*department of anatomy
professors wanted(4 october 2010)
Search Amazon.com for western university of health sciences
Zymo research,orange
Search Amazon.com for zymo
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
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