American university
*college of arts and sciences
**department of biology seeks a potential professor with a phd in endocrinology or related field(28 november 2010)
Carnegie institue
geophysical laboratory
postdoctoral fellowships avaible
Fred hutchinson cancer research center
Search for Fred hutchinson cancer
george mason university
*volgenau school of engineering
**department of bioengineering seeks a potential professor to set up a graduate programme,potential applicants must have a doctorate in bio(medical)engineering or similiar (1 october 2011)
Search for george mason university
George washington university
*department of biochemistry and molecular biology wants a professor in bioinformatics,genomics and computational biology(29 november 2010),must have done comparative proteomics and genomics etc(29 november 2010)
*department of biological sciences
phylogeneticist wanted
Search for George washington university
Georgetown university
department of biology seeks a professor interested in global health.(28 november 2010)
*department of chemistry wants a professor of analytical chemistry(5 december 2010)
microsoft's health solutions group
Smithsonian institue
fellowships avaible(26 novemer 2010)
smithsonian national museum of natural history
*department of invertebrate zoology seeks a research zoologist who can do synthetic research on invertebrate evolution and biodiversity(26 november 2010),must be us citizen.
Society for conservation biology
director wanted
Search for Society for conservation biology
The catholic university of america
*biology department
postdoctoral position(s)(7 bovember 2010)
professor wanted
Search for catholic university of america
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