Friday, 23 January 2009

Scientific employers, London,england,uk

 Alzheimer's society

Search for Astrazeneca
Barts and the london school of medicine and dentistry
Search for london school of medicine and dentistry
bio products laboratory,elstree
project scientists and research assisant wanted
Search for bio products laboratory
magazine editor wanted


Biomedical publishing
assisant edittor wanted

brunel university
chairpersons in biology etc   wanted
Search for brunel university
City of westminster college
Search for City of westminster college
Department of health

Eisai London Research laboratories
Gower Street
Search for Eisai
Element six ltd

energy institue
Search for energy institue
European medicines agency
director wanted(12 november 2010)

Evolving medicine
Search for Evolving medicine
Future science group
assisant editor wanted,perhaps a life science graduate who wants to seeks a career in biomedical publishing.(28 february 2011)

future science group,finchley

goldman center for cellular therapy
clinical scientists wanted

hammersmith medicines research
seeks a head of laboratory services(9 january 2011)

health protection agency,holborn gate
Search for health protection agency
Human tissue authority
Search for Human tissue authority
Imperial College London seeks lecturers and professors in engineering,medicine and science(7 november 2010)
*clinical sciences centre seeks post-docs in bioinformatics,cancer genomics etc(16 december 2010)
*school of public health
**Qatar biobank seeks officers,managers and epidemiologists etc(5 december2010)
Search for Imperial College London
Institue of cancer research,chelsea
*breakthrough toby robins breast cancer research centre seeks a  potential director,expected to be ambitious,visionary with good achievements in biomedical  science(28 march 2011)
Search for Institue of cancer
Search for ITOPF
Kennel club seeks a health information manager,applicant should ideally be a life sciences graduate and has admin experience(25 september 2011)

kingston university
faculty of science
Search for kingston university
King's college
division of imaging sciences and biomedical engineering seeks a lecturer in PET radiochemistry who has research interests in above, especially carbon-11 and fluoride-18(28 february  2011)
*school of biomedical sciences
**mrc centre for  developmental neurobiology
seeks a lecturer  with a phd and experience of molecular biology,mammalian  molecular genetics and developmental neurobiology/neuroanatomy.(27 february 2011)
**mrc-hpa centre for environment and health
***environmental research group seeks air quality scientist/research associate etc(28 february 2011)

Lambeth College
Search for Lambeth College
LGC Teddington
looking to recruite researchers in Molecular and cell biology
(I believe this firm is looking to recruit forensic scientists because forensic testing is going to be privatised)_

London research institue,lincoln's inn fields

London school of hygiene and tropical medicine
Search for London school of hygiene and tropical medicine
Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency(MHRA)

MRC Technology
*center for therapeutics discovery seeks a team leader in exploratory chemistry and a molecular modeller.(22 november 2010)

Natural History Museum
currently looking for 2 people to join the entomology department.
Search for Natural History Museum london
Queen Mary university of london
*school of biological and chemical sciences
lecturers/readers wanted(8 april 2011)
Search for Queen Mary university of london
Queen's gate school
science technician wanted

Royal holloway university of london
*school of biological sciences seeks a lecturer/reader in molecular ecology and evolution(27 february 2011)
Royal society chemistry
Search for Royal society chemistry
spirogen ltd seeks chemists/biologist etc to work in creating pbds(18 july 2011)

St George's university of London
2 research assistant currently being looked for
Search for St George's university of London
St paul's school.barnes
graduate teacher of physics wanted, must have a good academic background(6 may 2011)
Search for St paul's school london
scientists wanted

Strategic business insights,croydon seeks technology analysts with either a scientific or technical msc education
(minimal) with a speciality in electrical/material science or engineering or biosciences,health or energy or environmental technologies,have good oral/written communication skils etc

Therakind ltd,2 winston house,dollis road,finchley

university college london
research associates wanted in biomedical area.(6 november 2010)
*Division of biosciences
**department of genetics,evolution and environment seeks a potential professor or reader or chair of computational/systems biology,appliciants must be world reowned in their research in the above fields,must have a record of successfull grant applications and also have phd or similiar.(21 february 2011)

*Division of psychology  and language sciences seeks lecturers in cognitive sciences as well as cognitive/behavioural neuroscience(16 janiary 2011)
*ear institue
chair of audiology wanted(11 november 2010)
*institue of biomedical engineering seeks a chair of biomedical engineering, must have a worldwide reputation in their research field and a very  good record of fund raising.(7 may 2011)

University of east london
lecturers in biosciences wanted
Search for University of east london

Wellcome Trust,215 Euston road london nw1 2be
Search for Wellcome Trust
World cancer research fund international

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