Sunday, 27 February 2011

scientific employers,troms county,norway

Norwegian radiation protection agency seeks a research scientist to do environmental research,monitor radioactive materials,must have msc or higher in natural sciences(27 february 2011)

scientific employers, perth and kinross,scotland

SCRI,invergowrie seeks a soil biophysicist,must have a phd and a record of published articles(27 february 2011)

Saturday, 19 February 2011

scientific employers,jazan/jizan province,saudi arabia

Jazan university
*medical research center seeks researchers in all medical fields,preferably had a university positions,qualifications from a US,canadan,european or australian universities.
also seeks medical writers(19 february 2011)

Sunday, 13 February 2011

scientific employers,mexico city/federal district,mexico

Centre of research and advanced studies,mexico city
*department of physiology,biophysics and neuroscience seeks appliciant to fill a faculty position to do research in cellular/systems physiology or neuroscience,must have phd in any field of biomedical sciences,male appliciants must be under 36, female appliciants under 38 and also have a research proposal for next 3 years.(13 february 2011)

Friday, 4 February 2011

scientific employers, haifa disrict,israel

University of Haifa
*department of human biology and biology seeks 2 potential professors,preferably those whom have done excellant research in systems physiology etc(4 february 2011)
Search for haifa university  

scientific employers,jilin province,china

Jilin university
*institue of immunology and translation medicine seeks potential professors in the research areas of immune receptors/signalling,antigen biology etc(4 february 2011)