Saturday, 29 January 2011

scientific employers,somerset,england,uk

Micron bio-systems ltd, bridgewater seeks a biochemistry technician, expected to have a top degree in either biochemistry, chemistry or similiar, be computer literate and learn the software packages needed for hplc based analyses.
Experience hplc,enzymology or microbiology might be helpful.
(29 january 2011)
Search for hplc

Thursday, 20 January 2011

scientific employers,queretaro state, mexico

The instituo de neurobiologia-unam
*department of behavioural and cognitive neurobiology seeks a potential professor,  whom has done work on magnetic resonance imaging to study aging and  neurological associated things etc,expected to set up a well funded research programme  and supervise students.(20 january 2011)
Search for queretaro

Friday, 14 January 2011

Scientific employers,andhra pradesh state,india

Search for University of hyderabad
University of hyderabad
*department of biotechnology
**National institue of animal  biotechnology seeks a director,appliciant must have a master's degree and a academic record in veterinary sciences/animal sciences/modern biology and done at least 15 years in research management.(14 january 2011)
Search for veterinary sciences

Sunday, 2 January 2011

scientific employers,madhya pradesh state,india

Sagar university near sagar seeks potential professors of anthropology, chemistry, computer science,  criminology/forensic sciences, geography, political sciences, yogic sciences,zoology etc
Search for yogic sciences